Odd Coupleįinally, there’s T-Bone and Teach. If you want rare skills in your community (and you should), this is a good place to start. Julia, on the other hand, is really bad at defending herself, but is a great chemist.

She starts off with the Sore Neck trait, which lowers her carry capacity by five. Karly has some decent cardio skills, along with an open fifth slot. Karly and Julia are a couple who constantly bicker and fight. He has the DIY Remodeler trait, which gives him a morale boost when there’s an upgraded workshop in the base, and he’s generous. Quin is equally underprepared to fight zombies, but he has one thing going for him – he’s an amazing craftsman. The only upside to him is that you can choose his fifth skill at a later time. The other two trais are just there for buffing his stats, but they don’t do a fantastic job of it. He also gets a morale bonus from places with a projector, thanks to his Watched Sports trait. He has terrible skills, and the only one he’s any good at is shooting. Goff is the useless of the two when you begin. They’re also not the perfect choice for beginners. Goff and Quin are middle school buddies – one constantly getting into trouble, the other cleaning up after him. He has three traits that improve his skills, but your biggest dilemma with him will be whether to keep him in the machine shop or let him out into the killing field. He’s also witty, and a brilliant mechanic. He, on the other hand, is quite adept at fighting. She also has the Straight A Student trait, which affects her skills and the speed at which she develops them, as well as the Into Cheesy Movies trait, which increases her morale in locations that have a film projector. However, she does have a free skill slot, which means you’ll get to choose her fifth skill. She starts off with some pretty abysmal skills, barely developed at all. Kimberly and Marcus are a pair of estranged siblings brought together by the apocalypse, not really a great fit for newcomers. State of Decay 2 Best Starting Skills – Which Characters to Choose at Start Surly Siblings That’s why we’re writing this guide, to show you State of Decay 2 best starting skills and help you choose your characters at the start. Some of them are better suited to certain playstyles than others, so it’s pretty important to know what you’re getting yourself into.

They all have different backstories, and, more importantly, different skills and traits. When you start your first playthrough of State of Decay 2, you’ll have to choose from several pairs of characters.